Poephol lips.

Am enjoying a bowl of popcorn that the S just now made for me. Although there is a tad too much salt. Hence the gradual contraction of my lips into something that loosely resembles a ‘peophol’ or arsehole.

Damn, a Coke would go down well, now!

Today – I was extremely doff at my 8 to 5-er. Could not get a grasp on things – resulted in the chickie that I am replacing, becoming afraid for her reputation as a competent teacher, once she has left the company premises. Told her not to worry – I am prepared to accept all the credit for my dimwittedness.

Was dreaming about Franschoek, again, today. How I would slurp down gallons of wine, as I toured the local wine farms. How I would gorge myself on cheese and chocolate, amongst the vines, as I playfully swatted the mosquitos and ‘gif-miggies’. How I would dine in a world-class restaurant, or two. Perhaps – even ‘jacuzzi’!